Positive affirmations can be a great tool to help you through each day, and they can help you in your everyday life.
Life is full of ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean you should let it get you down.
All it takes to change your mindset for the better is a few positive thoughts every day.
This blog post offers 50 affirmations to start your day off on the right foot!
-What You Think About Your Day Determines How You’ll Feel When It’s Over
-You’re Able To Achieve Anything If You Set Your Mind On It.
I love the idea of speaking positive statements to myself every day because not only do they encourage me, I’ve realized that speaking positive words to myself regularly keeps me in the right mindset.
Using a few of these positive affirmations daily can make significant changes to your life.
I absolutely love THIS comprehensive daily affirmations handbook. It provides you with 365 Amazing affirmations that you can use daily for an entire year. ? Grab a copy here.
Read more : 5 morning rituals for a productive and stress free day.
70 Inspirational and Positive Self-Affirmations That Will Transform Your Life
- I don’t sweat the small stuff
- I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals and dreams!
- All the best things in life are just a few steps away…the key is just to take them!
- I have so much more power over my happiness than I think, and that’s a great thing because there’s nothing stopping me from being happy all the time as long as I choose to be!
- This is the only body that I’m ever going to have so today, right now, is when it starts getting some major TLC.
- I’m actually stronger than I think : even though it may not always seem like it, I am more resilient than others give me credit for! Going through all of the difficult things that happened to me in the past was one thing but they’re done now and my future is looking incredibly bright!
- Living life on my own terms, doing what makes me happy and never settling for less does NOT make me selfish; it means that I know what will make ME truly happy in life and that’s a great thing because being able to choose your own destiny isn’t something that just anyone gets to do .
- Today marks a new day full of opportunities , so why would I ever want to waste it away on negativity?
- I have been given a completely fresh start so now, all I have to do is take it!
- Starting from now, I’m going to always ask myself “what’s the best thing that could happen as a result of this?”…that way, almost every single decision will be an easy one because I’ll already know what the right answer is going to be!
- If you think being positive has nothing to do with getting ahead in life then just take a look at all of those who are doing things they love AND making money from it : they’re almost always incredibly happy and their lives couldn’t be more fulfilled . It doesn’t get much than that does it?
- Saying no to the negative thoughts, people and things in my life is always going to be worth it because anything that’s bad for me has GOT to go!
- If I want respect, all I have to do is give it…and if I want love, all I have to do is love myself so that’s exactly what I’m going to do today!
- Being able to show up everyday feeling great about who you are , where you’re at and what you’re doing is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world
- There may not be a “next time” or a “second chance” but there will always be an opportunity for change .
- 1Today, tomorrow and the day after that are all brand new days full of endless possibilities; they’re not meant to be lived the same way as yesterday!
- If I’m always looking for happiness outside of myself, it will never come…because true happiness comes from within and so does confidence .
- It might be hard to see now but with every failure, there’s an equal if not greater chance at success .
- Every time things don’t work out in my favor, it just means that something better is on its way!
- Today was a great day! I am happy and ready for tomorrow.
- I have the strength to achieve anything that is truly important to me, if I just believe in myself enough.
- The more positivity I give out into the world, the more positivity will come back to me.
- Of course today’s going to be a good day! Why else would it be called ‘today’?
- Every new challenge holds within itself an opportunity for growth as well as success.
- A person’s regret from yesterday is proof from God that today is another chance to do better, be better and live better .
- Life is too short to waste time worrying about things I can’t change and not enough time enjoying the people and things that bring me happiness.
- Every day presents a new opportunity, a new beginning! It’s my chance to shine!
- The sun is shining today because I am glowing from within with positivity and light!
- Today I will be as positive as possible no matter how others behave towards me or what challenges come my way…I will remember it’s their negativity not mine!
- Anytime you feel yourself going down “the rabbit hole” of negative thoughts…STOP ! Take a deep breath and think of all the good in your life, including right now.
- I am grateful for another day and all the new opportunities it brings with it .
- Why would I allow myself to feel angry or sad when there is so much to be happy about? There is truly more good than bad in my life.
- Change starts within me and spreads through each person I come into contact with today! Positive change that is full of love, light, and growth!
- Today I will smile more often than frown, go out of my way to help someone that needs help and be as positive as possible…even if others around me aren’t being so great! No sympathy for negativity today…only positivity!
- My thoughts are powerful tools that can work for me or against me . Today I will be guided by my best and most positive thoughts.
- Seeing the good in everyone and everything is easy when you already see the good in yourself!
- Everybody has a purpose here on Earth, mine is to positively affect as many people as I can every single day! I am going to succeed at it too…because of all the positives within me.
- If things don’t go my way…it’s because there’s more coming soon that will! So no complaints allowed today? Thanks?
- I will think of all the wonderful opportunities life brings with it each day and remember that even though some days may be more difficult than others, they’re also more rewarding!
- The more I help others, the more happiness I will feel within myself ! It’s just one of those positive life cycles.
- Today I open my mind and heart to all the good that is coming towards me…so many great things are on their way!
- Smile so hard your cheeks hurt because you deserve it ?
- If my day wasn’t full of positivity then it must be time for me to re-evaluate what’s going on in my life! Time to change things up a bit?
- There is always something wonderful brewing around the corner of every bad experience . And even if there isn’t…I can still find some joy simply by knowing this!
- I will never give up on myself! I mean it…never, EVER . And even if I don’t fulfill all of my dreams and goals today that’s still OK because the future is full of amazing opportunities for me to do something great with my life.
- Life may be difficult at times but all challenges come and go and bring new life experiences with them too! Even if those new experiences aren’t exactly what I’m expecting or hoping for, they’re still unique learning opportunities that can help me grow as a person.
- If I stay positive, things will work out the way they should…good things DO come to those who wait (but not TOO long!).
- The only time we really fail is when we give up…so why would I ever want to do that?
- Fear will try to stop me from doing the positive things I know I should be doing but it doesn’t stand a chance! Not today, not EVER .
- We all make mistakes but we learn from them and move on with our lives…that’s why there’s no point wallowing too long in self-pity because life is full of motivating lessons.
- I deserve all the happiness in the world!
- Do your best, have faith in yourself and don’t stop until you succeed! In other words…you got this !
- Not one single day goes by where I am not learning some kind of lesson about myself or others .
- The right woman/man for me is out there waiting just for me to find them…
- The universe is filled with amazing opportunities just waiting to be discovered…I will discover them! I’m unstoppable when it comes to achieving my goals and dreams, no matter how big or small they are.
- I deserve the best in life!!
- It’s never too late for me , especially considering all the wonderful things that I still have yet to experience in this lifetime! So many great lessons and so much growth available to me thanks to everything that has happened up until now . My past experiences have only made me wiser and more experienced about how things work in this world which can definitely be a good thing going forward?
- Why would I want to hang around people who bring me down? Those negative influences can find someone else to latch onto…because they don’t have any power over me anymore.
- In life, permanent problems quickly turn into unbeatable opportunities. After all, I’m smart enough to know that my temporary hardships are only going to make my eventual success taste that much sweeter!
- Time for change! I will turn things around and go after what I want most in life right now..no more waiting for a better time because the BEST time is NOW !
- I am loved
- I deserve happiness
- I am capable of anything I set my mind to
- I am proud of who I am
- Good things are coming my way.
- I will let go of anything that doesn’t make me happy
- I have a purpose
- I am productive every day
- My life is unfolding perfectly
- I am my own superhero
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